networks with good partners
ACI – Airports Council International
Airports Council International is the worldwide association of airports. Established in 1991, ACI represents the interests of the airports with respect to governments and international organizations such as ICAO. ACI develops standards, directives and recommendations.
DGNB – German Association for Sustainable Building e.V. (Registered Association)
The focus of DGNB is on the continuous advanced development of a holistic certification system for sustainable structures at home and abroad. The DGNB certificate characterizes environmentally-friendly, economically efficient and user-friendly buildings.
Duurzaam Gebouwd
Duurzaam Gebouwd is the forum for sustainable building in the Netherlands. The profession forum provides information about projects and products with the help of independent reports via expert knowledge and by conducting various technical events. At the same time, it is a network for experts and companies.

Swiss Association for air and water hygiene
SVLW provides assistance, among other things, in formulating legislation, standards, directives and work aids. In cooperation with higher education institutes and expert companies, the association offers courses on higher education, instructions and tools or special products.
ProKlima – Air is Life
ProKlima is the platform for information exchange and solving issues of the future among manufacturers and suppliers of products or systems for the air conditioning and ventilation industry.
Switzerland Global Enterprise
S-GE is a Swiss organization, which commits itself to entrepreneurship and the business locations of Switzerland and Liechtenstein. As the first start-up center, S-GE supports Swiss companies, on behalf of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, SECO, especially for SMEs, in terms of determining and acquiring new business potential.

The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) is a professional association for all those working in heating, refrigeration, ventilation and air conditioning system engineering in the USA. The manual is a reference guide for air conditioning technology consisting of four volumes. ASHRAE also publishes standards and directives in the field of air conditioning technology, to which reference is made in building regulations. Employees of Ionair are active members in the national ASHRAE associations.
ABOK is a non-government, independent Russian organization, which pursues the goal of promoting and sponsoring sustainable building and energy efficiency in Russia. For this purpose, the organization formulates standards in the segments of heating, ventilation and air conditioning.