Neutralizing odors – Ionization does the job
With the «Air Quality System» (AQS) in the exhaust air of a ventilation system, the air quality and hygiene improves significantly. Annoying odors in the immediate environment are considerably reduced thanks to the system. The customer benefits regarding exhaust air ionization are listed below. With exhaust air ionization, one can avoid some potential issues with your neighbors and this will result in fewer complaints.
Based on the signals from the sensors, the Ionair power regulator determines the ionization intensity, which, in turn, depends on the pollution and air volume. An ozone sensor can be used as limit value monitoring if needed and based on statutory requirements, so that the permissible ozone concentration at the outlet to the environment is not exceeded. If the limit value is reached, the ozone sensor makes a note of this and the controller reduces the ionization intensity accordingly.
Customer benefits
The Air Quality System (AQS) of Ionair causes targeted improvement in the quality – even in that of the exhaust air. Odor nuisance is reduced and VOCs, germs, bacteria and molds are minimized effectively. Air ionization produces an odorless, hygienic and comfortable indoor climate. The following outlines the customer benefits and advantages at a glance:
- Reduction in odor-producing substances (VOC) in the exhaust air
- Improving the hygiene in the exhaust air by reducing bacteria and fungus
- Reducing the particles in the exhaust air
- Solving the odor problem prevents customer complaints
The ionair AQS is either designed in new constructions in the planning phase by the HVAC designer or retrofitted in existing buildings.

ionair power control
The core of the Ionair Air Quality System, it is used to evaluate data from the sensors to regulate the ionization intensity of the ionization module, to adjust the system parameters and to communicate with the data links VeritasMOBILE / VeritasNET. For air volumes up to a maximum of 3,000 m3/h, the ICA 1000 is adequate. However, for higher volumes, the ICA 2000 is used.
Ionization module
The ionization module is the «Motor». It generates the required ionization energy and it is installed either in an empty part of the air handling system (HVAC) or in the supply air duct. Waterproof and dust-proof modules of the latest generation are available for the harshest climatic conditions.
The sensors measure the input parameters necessary for optimal regulation. These are the air quality in the outdoor air and extract air, the relative humidity, the volume flow and the ozone concentration in the exhaust air.
Data links VeritasMOBILE / VeritasNET
VeritasMOBILE / VeritasNET are the links to ionair Analytics and to the most commonly available building management systems. The data links are used to monitor the operation.

Specific advantages of the Ionair technology
- Need-based regulation
- Air quality system
- Intrinsically safe operation (acquisition of disturbance variables and automatic alarms, system monitoring in ionair Analytics and preventive maintenance)
- Monitoring the operation in ionair Analytics via the customer portal
- Swiss Made Quality
- Long lifetime, long availability of spare parts or upgrades
- Worldwide customer service and maintenance