ionair (ArchivE 2020)

ionair is growing
ionair – the label for demanding solutions in the field of indoor climate. Established in 1993 under the name LK Luftqualität AG, Ionair is active worldwide today. The company is now also marketing the energy-saving systems for air germ reduction and odor neutralization in Germany, and the new company was established separately in July 2020 for this purpose. The newest member of the team is Claus Nonninger.
We are pleased to present to you the new CEO of ionair Germany.

New Partner
We introduce our partner Phil Davis from ionair UK. He will talk about how he came to work with ionair, his priorities in choosing his partner and the specifics of the UK market.

Exclusivity deal
Since Feb 2020 ionair have been in long discussions with SSE, a leading energy company in the UK, to introduce the AQS product into the UK and Ireland market. This milestone and the steps taken to sign this exclusivity deal are highlighted from Phil Davis.

Pilot Project
As part of a compliance and due diligence process with SSE we wanted to ensure we met all acceptance criteria and that SSE was a 100% comfortable with our systems. We looked at a number of their office buildings but in the end, we selected a medium size office block in the South East of England, a known area of poor air quality.

Ripe for the island
Systems from Ionair are not only sold in Germany, but air purification systems are also required even in the most remote areas, such as in the South Pacific.

Small and yet operating worldwide
ionair has its headquarters in Switzerland. Nevertheless, the company, which is based in central Switzerland, markets and distributes its products throughout the world with the help of subsidiaries and local partners. If no partner is available on a local level, it has to act quickly from the headquarters, as was recently the case following an inquiry from a Casino in Vietnam.