Claus Nonninger – you have been the CEO of ionair Deutschland since July 2020. How have you been received by the Ionair community?
Very warmly! I spent the first ten days in the headquarters in Lucerne. Among other things, I was picked up each day at the hotel by a different colleague and while traveling we were able to get acquainted with one another on a personal level – it was very pleasant.
What would you like to achieve with ionair in the medium term?
I’d like to expand the existing framework wherever it is possible. And with the help of suitable reference projects - the initial contacts have already been established – I want to draw attention to us, both with planners and designers, as well as with end customers.
How important is the market in Germany for the Ionair Group?
It is very important. This is why the Executive Management decided to establish ionair Deutschland. We want to be close to the customer. For this purpose, Koblenz is a good starting point in our first step.
What are your current priorities as the CEO?
Networking! I have worked in marketing for more than 20 years and this has meant I’ve got to know a lot of people. And starting things off should be relatively easy with the help of the existing customers and the available partners.
With the «Air Quality System» (AQS) in the ventilation system, the air quality and hygiene in the ventilated room improve significantly. How relevant is the subject of indoor air and hygiene in Germany?
Particularly in the current situation with the COVID-19 pandemic, this subject is gaining increasing significance. In addition, the aspect of energy savings is also very much supporting the «Green concept» in Germany.
You spent two weeks of orientation at the Ionair Head Office in Lucerne in Switzerland. Would you please elaborate on your impressions?
As I said before, the reception I got from everyone was very warm and friendly. And it was also completely professional. It was really impressive to see and to feel how all of the employees work so hard for the company. And during my free time, the Vierwaldstättersee Lake proved to be a really spectacular experience.
You were born in Koblenz and you know the German market well. What are the significant differences between the German market and the Swiss market?
The speed and the language. We are significantly more «brief» when we communicate. However, that can be both an advantage and a disadvantage!
But at the end of the day, it is always the same: it’s all about trust! It is only when I can feel that I am being taken good care of that I will be ready to do business with a third party.
About the person:
Claus Nonninger (53 years) is a leader and specialist who has acquired extensive experience from a variety of different roles. He was appointed CEO of Ionair Deutschland with effect from July 1, 2020. In this position, he is responsible for the expansion and marketing of the «ionair» brand in Germany. «ionair» provides odorless, hygienic, and comfortable indoor air. Claus Nonninger is a graduate engineer in Mechanical Engineering (University of Applied Sciences), and for more than 20 years he has specialized in market launches of new products and technologies, the development of marketing hierarchies, and the expansion of partner and reseller networks. Prior to joining Ionair, Claus was exclusively involved with small and medium-scale enterprises led by entrepreneurs.