Ripe for the island
The systems and applications of Ionair are deployed at all possible and even some almost impossible places for the purification of air. One of these systems has been put into operation on an island in the South Pacific.
It is approximately 500 meters long and 150 meters wide, 7.7 hectares in size, and it lies about 9 meters above sea level. Willis Island – a coral island in the South Pacific - is surrounded by turquoise-colored water. Merely the sound of the word South Pacific triggers paradise-like associations. Images of palm trees, white sand and colored wooden houses emerge in the mind. However, this island is not a tourist haven; instead its main attraction is the meteorological station.
The Australian Government has been operating a meteorological observatory on the island since 1921. It serves the Federal State of Queensland in the North East of the country, among others, as an early warning station for approaching storms. Four weather observers and a technical officer take care of the weather data locally. And in the midst of the island, you can find applications from Ionair.

Ionization in the South Pacific
So how did it transpire that Ionair has been deployed in a meteorological station on an island in the South Pacific? In order to envision this concept, we need to turn back the wheel of time. It is reasonably well-known that the systems from Ionair are deployed for all possible and almost impossible air hygiene applications. In this way, Ionair once implemented a project for the cultivation of refined mushrooms for a company of international repute. Even in the relatively speaking remote Australia this did not go unnoticed, and an Australian wanted to take over the Swiss concept with Swiss roots and implement it in a new construction in North East Australia. The Australian delegation, which included specialist planners, traveled independently to Central Switzerland in order to satisfy themselves regarding the ionization concept.
Total seclusion
«The refined mushroom production in Australia is still in the planning phase,» emphasized Béda Bacsa, International Sales Manager at Ionair, during the interview. However, the experienced sales expert explained that it is obvious that specialist planners support a number of other projects. And the project on Willis Island was one of those. This was quite a challenge since the scientists who are located there gather in total seclusion. Furthermore, not only is one having to absorb important meteorological data, but also inhale the unpleasant odors of the excrement of numerous types of birds, for whom the island is a sanctuary and a breeding ground. «The system at the weather station is currently running to the complete satisfaction of the scientists there,» said Béda Bacsa. In the past, the air inside the building was merely recirculated, but with the new system and integration by Ionair, controlled ventilation was achieved with an air purification system. «Apparently, something from the visit of the Swiss left its mark on the Australian specialists,» explained Béda Bacsa with a smile on his face!